Monday, 5 August 2013

Tigers Jaw acoustic instore @ Banquet Records 5/8/13

The daily acoustic in-store, came about however today banquet records was filled to the brim with many die hard Tigers Jaw fans as they popped in just before their show at The Fighting Cocks to play a little acoustic for just a small crowd. Priority went to those who were under 18, as the show later was an 18 and over show.
I managed to be one of the lucky ones who got to hear them first hand in the small record shop in Kingston.

They first originated with several members who had over time left the band, crushing it down to just two, Brianna Collins and Ben Wash. Rumours had been heard that the band were splitting up and this was their last ever show. However announced on the evening of the acoustic  a new album was said to be released and hints of further tours in the distant future.  
I was shocked to see the room filled with many heads, crowed round to get a listen of them before the show, as most of them were male and big fans of the band.

Acoustics have always been my favourite  as you get to experience the artists raw, real voice without anything on top of it, it's like stripping clean every single piece of layer that you hear on a CD, with the comfort of the sweet sound of an acoustic guitar. It instantly changes the mood, where everyone in the room is still and focus, eyes glued to the song, and the air filled with emotions coming from the artist.
The softness of Brianna's voice combined with the harmonic melody of Ben's alongside the harsh but clean strums of the guitar worked in perfect sync, as the voices which echoed the room were strong and powerful, hitting the crowd which bounced back in a mirror verse.

When the first line of 'Chemical's came into play, the whole crowd instantly connected and sang along to every lyric that had been sung, the atmosphere was truly tranquil and happy. 
This was my first time seeing Tigers Jaw live, and what more could I expect? They exceeded my expectations of them as previously heard on Youtube, they sounded 100x better in the flesh.
A bigger surprise and treat for us was that they played two new songs from their record that was yet to be released  which captured everyone in the room.

Defiantly one of the best acoustic sessions I had ever been to, even though it didn't seem to last long, the echoes of their voices still repeated over and over again in my head as I left the shop, in a much better mood. I look forward to seeing them in the near future with much more raw music.

You can find the full set here: LIVE

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